Expecting company

I’m about to play hostess for the next four days.

My friend Vince from Canada, is currently studying commercial music in Glasgow. He has some time off from school, and so he’ll be hopping on a plane tomorrow to hang out here. It’ll be his first time ever in France.

It’s going to be interesting showing him around a city that’s still unfamiliar to me, and whose profound metro system I’ve yet to decipher. Still, I’m excited to have someone to share my discoveries of Paris with so far. It’ll be refreshing to explore the city I live in with new eyes.

When he told me of his plan to come, a few months back, I remember telling him flat out:

“Sounds great! Listen, the Louvre, Notre Dame, all that stuff..you can do while I’m at work. I’ll give you the food and pastry tour.”

Oh, I will.

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