“Like wind”

My co-workers’ English have improved a lot since I’ve started working at Robuchon. They’ve  never really had to speak in English before. I am the first non Chinese person work in their pastry kitchen. Everyday, they are practicing their English with me.

As a result, I have been a little less motivated to learn Cantonese. The number of words I officially know how to say has been stagnant at 20. They’re still mostly kitchen words.

My verbal English skills on the other hand, have been steadily declining. Continue reading

Courage in words

Not a day goes by where Bruce and I don’t talk about our future together.

We have opposite schedules for 6 days a week.

I sleep really early and he gets home really late. I’m awake by 5 and he’ll still be knocked out.

By the time we have the same day off, we are just so happy to both be conscious at the same time.

But everyday in between our work schedule and alternating consciousness, we are constantly communicating. Continue reading