One hundred twenty five

125. The approximate number of nights since I’ve had a good night’s sleep.

Coincidentally, the same number of days we’ve lived in Hong Kong.

I was jet lagged for the first few days. Work at Robuchon started a week later and I had to adjust my body to getting up at 5:30 in the morning for 6 days of the week.

I had a lot of anxiety, as I did my first few months at Regis Marcon– I was terrified of somehow sleeping in. The multiple alarms I set certainly don’t make for solid continuous sleep, but I need them.

My subconscious is no doubt trying to come to terms with this relocation. To this day I am still having very incoherent and exhausting dreams.

Then, last week, our air conditioner broke. We thought we were going to die.

We’re lucky to live near the water and away from the high rises of HK Island, but it’s hard to avoid the weather. It’s impossible to fall asleep in this heat and it’s always a pleasure to wake up in a blanket of sweat.

During that difficult week of no a/c, we slept with the windows open in a desperate attempt to let some “air” in. I woke up in the middle of the night trying to scratch my legs off from mosquito bites.

Our a/c is thankfully running again, and my mosquito bite wounds have healed significantly.

But apparently it is now thunderstorm season in HK.

Last night was the worst thunderstorm I’ve experienced yet.

Bruce and I were both jolted awake around 4am.

Our heavy curtains were closed but we could feel the brightness of the lightening blasting through. It felt as though the lights in our room were being flickered on and off. Heavy, aggressive rain and ominous boom of thunder I’ve only heard during the scenes of really scary movies.
This all went on for way too long, and I kept forcing myself to keep sleeping.

It felt like God was mad at Hong Kong. It was scary.

The annoying thing is it wasn’t the first thunderstorm that’s waken us since we’ve been here. But it was definitely the worst so far.I’ve been told typhoon season is around the corner.

One hundred twenty five nights of terrible sleep and counting.

3 thoughts on “One hundred twenty five

  1. I’ve heard an hour of no screens before bed ( including laptops, phones etc) helps. And some people I know took melatonin pills when they had insomnia, seemed to work for them.

  2. Pingback: Halfway | avec chantilly

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