Out of the rain

We got the best welcome back to Paris today.


Of our 96 hours in Rome, it rained about 93 hours. We arrived when it started to rain. It rained while we enthusiastically ventured out to all the famous landmarks and it rained while we slept. It rained while we drank our cappuccinos and ate our cornetti and it definitely rained while we were pizzaria hopping.

It stopped raining while we lined up for the security check to go into St. Peter’s Basilica but surely enough, when we exited the magnificent church, it rained once again.

The rain didn’t manage to dampen our spirits but it definitely dampened our ill-prepared feet.
It rained so much that the river rose about 14 meters above normal and made the evening news. We were thankful to see Rome and spend it with our friend, but damn, there was just so much rain!

We’re happy to be back in Paris, with sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. At least not today.




Made with love- Frappe for Carnival

The sun had quietly set, slipping through the shingles of the surrounding houses.  Rome slowly revealed itself, lit up like fireflies in the not too far distance.

We’re inside and already have on a couple of very old school aprons. The fireplace was crackling and the place smelled of seared beef, garlic and pecorino cheese.


Stefano’s mum pulled out a big piece of wood from the cupboard and set up her station. She laid the board down on the table and beside it, a wooden rolling pin about the width of the table. She pulled out a bag of 00 flour, a couple of eggs and a fork.

I was about to learn how to make a traditional Italian pastry from a real Italian woman.

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Riso Gelato

Whether it’s ice cream, or gelato, when it comes down to it, I have three consistent favourites: Coconut, pistachio and almond. They’re the holy trinity of cream flavours for me.

With all the extensive gelato research I’ve been doing, I’ve found a new flavour to add to my favourites: Rice gelato.

Yes, rice flavoured gelato.

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