3***Michelin pastry cooks

I am in absolute awe by the amount of energy my co-workers have.

It’s easier for me as a foreigner  to work this schedule since I don’t have any real commitments or people to see. But for them, this is their life. Robuchon never closes. Not for Christmas and not even for Chinese New Year! They are entitled to the day off for stat holidays, just not on the actual days. Which means no celebrating together at the same time with friends or family.

I don’t know how they keep up with a 6 day work schedule, week after week. Actually, it seems that most people in Hong Kong operate on a 6 day work week. I feel like there is never enough time to do anything.

During the week I lay low, rest up and go to bed at a decent hour. I really hate being tired. I make it a point to sleep early every night so I can wake up rested and go to work ready to attack.

My co-workers on the other hand, will still stay out late with friends eating, drinking, bowling, arcad-ing and still be able to wake up at 5am the next day.

But when life gives you lemons, make lemon curd. When you have to work a 6 day work-week, you can be lame or  make time for the rest of life.

Last Friday, I chose not to be lame and spent the evening with my co-workers. No special occasion, we just wanted to hang out. I’m only writing about it now because it’s taken me that long to fully recover.

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