Des Gateaux et Du Pain

With one of the few exceptions being walking around with a baguette sandwich from a local boulangerie, you will never see Parisians stroll the city, food in hand, eating.

Takeout cups for coffee don’t really exist here, or at least the concept of them. Even though Starbucks still gives them out, you’ll never see a French person on the street walking and sipping their cafe. They’ll enjoy it while on the premise, unlike Torontonions who will nurse their hot beverage on the subway, usually engrossed in a copy of 24.

Even with streets filled with window fronts of gorgeous French pastries, you’ll never witness a Parisian digging into an eclair as they walk through an arrondisement or sitting on the metro.

The culture here is that people like to really enjoy things. Pastries and still crackling loaves of bread are usually brought home and savoured there.

Well, I’m not French.

I enjoy things, immensely, yes, but not always graciously so.

Yesterday, Steven and I ducked into a metro station and shamelessly devoured 4 pastries in plain sight of (many) commuters. Continue reading