King for a Day

After yet another delightful lunch prepared by my friend Aurelie’s adorable grandparents, I was pacing around the house in attempt to digest the wonderful meal.

Lunch was possibly the best salmon I had ever had. It was fresh and cooked lovingly, with perfectly crispy but not oily skin, and tender flesh. Seasoned with salt and pepper, the only thing it needed. Accompanying it was vegetables from the garden- sweet peas, heirloom carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, just braised in butter. An incredible home cooked meal.

I was standing in front of the large cabinet in the living room, where behind the etched glass panels, were a lifetime of memories. Photos of family, captured in different moments of time, forever guarded within gold frames. I saw souvenirs of travel, little trinkets of past voyages.

Then, I noticed something peculiar. It looked like a stack of paper crowns, all different sizes, different styles, but there were at least 50 or so of them, folded away in a corner. I’m reminded of the paper crowns that used to be given away at a certain burger joint in Canada. Continue reading