Yam’Tcha- an intimate dinner with an old Chef

Before we were us, I sent Bruce an email that he never lets me forget.

Back in September of 2011, while working at Marcon, I loved spending weekends in Paris. Especially since Lisa moved there and had a little apartment in the 9th arrondissement. We’d fit as many patisseries and boulangeries as we could in 48 hours. Sometimes, we would invite Bruce. 

Working in the industry, we all usually had Mondays and Tuesdays off. Bruce was working in Paris at the time, at a little restaurant called Yam’Tcha. Continue reading

Chef Robuchon

I found out last week that Chef Joel Robuchon is coming to Hong Kong again!

He’s been at the other L’Atelier in Macau this past week and tomorrow he will be with us.

There is a big gala dinner happening at the restaurant on Saturday, so he will stay until then.

I look forward to his arrival again.

I mean, we’re practically friends now 😉

Bites of happy

I was enthralled watching service happen in the pastry kitchen at Marcon’s. I was impressed by the way everybody moved- gracefully and purposefully. It was a pastry service like I had not seen before. Little pots of cherries flambéd right before the order is sent out. Cute mignardisestall fragile garnishes. Beautiful quenelles of ice cream and the finished plates being carried out on large polished wood trays. Continue reading